Clairvoyant & Spiritual Development Books

Clairvoyant Energy Tools - Basic Foundation Workbook


You're interested in developing your psychic abilities. That's great! It's important to note that psychic abilities encompass a wide range of practices and techniques. There are various modalities and approaches within the realm of psychic abilities, each focusing on different aspects and utilizing different chakra abilities.

Clairvoyant Energy Tools is a specific psychic practice that focuses on working primarily with the 6th chakra, also known as the third eye chakra. While many teaching books or resources may cover a variety of psychic techniques and practices, Clairvoyant Energy Tools offers a more focused and specialized teaching system.

This workbook offers a structured approach to understanding and practicing Clairvoyant Energy Tools. It provides step-by-step instructions, illustrations, exercises, and personal experiences to support the learning process. It ensures that learners have a solid foundation and can progress at their own pace.

Experience the transformative power of clairvoyance and embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery with Sal Orlando as your coach. Discover the limitless possibilities within and unlock your true potential through the illuminating pages of 'Clairvoyant Energy Tools.' Grab your copy today and start your journey through self-spiritual development.

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